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666 Satan, written by Seishi Kishimoto (twin brother of Naruto's author Masashi Kishimoto), inspite of what it's title might make you think, is an tipical shounen series that tells the story of Jio Freed and Ruby Crescent and their quest to find legendary OParts ("magical" items left by an ancient civilization)YirGame 666 Satan, 666 Сатана, 666 ساتان, 666 사탄, 666~サタン~, 666~撒旦~, 666Satan, 666サタン, JIO, OParts Hunter, Satan The Number of Beast 666 series666 Satan (666~サタン~, Roku Roku Roku Satan?), conocido como OParts Hunter, es un mangaLa serie fue publicada por Enix (luego Square Enix) en su revista Gekkan Shōnen Gangan, y creada por Seishi KishimotoLa serie se basa en gran medida en la tradiciones cabalísticas y su argumento en la demonología y en el folklore japonésEstá licenciada para el idioma inglés por

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Associated Names 666サタン 666サタン 666~撒旦~ 666Satan JIO OParts Hunter Author/Artist KISHIMOTO Seishi (岸本聖史) Rapidgator 666_Satan_v0110rar 666_Satan_v1119erarArticle Link http//wwwanimenewsnetworkcom/news//opartshunterseishikishimotostartssukedachininemanga/KOL Gaming https//wwwyoutuSeishi Kishimoto (岸本 聖史, Kishimoto Seishi, born ) is a Japanese manga artistHe is best known for 666 Satan, which was serialized in Monthly Shōnen Gangan from 01 to 07 and licensed by Viz Media in North America as OParts HunterHe has since completed four more manga series, Blazer Drive (08–11), Kurenai no Ōkami to Ashikase no Hitsuji

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